Seeking Alpha: News & Analysis App Anmeldelser


Great app for a great team. Thanks guys!

Good and reliable

Keep going on I am still seeking my alpha

Awesome app.

Very helpful for day traders.

Needs Work or Updates?

Basic metrics in Premium version not working. Such as YTD, 1 month, 3 month, 6month. Need live info guys to make informed decisions. Also very little commentary especially on stock picks or ideas in volatile times from leadership teams on Alpha Picks side!

Good info for patient investors

If you’re a patient long term investor, getting the advice on Seeking Alpha a few days later than the analyst’s sending to his ‘paid’ subscribers, is still very worthy. If the advice is good, you can still act on it, in your own time zone.

Worst app to ever download

They are an opinion biassed load of dog s. AT NEVER have they been right about anything. A stock drops 5 percent next article sell it it’s done. Next day 20 percent increase. It’s a bunch of pre pubescent kids writing opinionated articles. Trash of the trash apps

Pay or it’s Useless

You get like 3 articles to read then everything else has a cost. Yeah I’m not paying to read amateur opinions I can get from any message board. Deleting the app.

Love Seeking Alpha.

My quick goto , to check company profitability, PE, graphs, recommendations - or not, buy,sell,hold, dividends and comments and opinions from other Seeking Alpha professional investors.


Why do people think they can lie? Blaring letters say Free. 1st thing I see trying to get info is trial subscription $4.95… Lie when the truth would be better. And easier.

Good, but needs customization

I rarely write reviews. I use SeekingAlpha and they’ve taken away quick things that I use to search articles. I can’t see the number of comments and to see what the “public” is interested in. I wish there were ways to customize my dashboard a bit more so I could get more usability on the mobile app.

Very high value for the insights.

A friend who is a professional investor recommended Seeking Alpha to me a couple years ago. It has numerous unique offerings. I like the analyst’s articles, and especially the comments to them. I like SA’s stock summaries. I like that I can make investment portfolio’s and have SA updates and analyses on them. And, ching-ching, the Alpha Picks quant-based additional subscription has made me money. I’ve quantified what it’s done for me over 1.5 yrs, and am now preparing to add a third lump of money to that portfolio.

Scrolling and connection issues

I’ve been having tons of scrolling and connection issues with the iPhone app. Also lots of connectivity issues on the website too. I don’t know what’s going on but I hope it is fixed soon. I love the service when it works. It is not my connection I should note, only the SeekingAlpha app and website have issues.

Stock game 4 life

I have learned a lot about the stock markets.. Most all come from this site seeking alpha.I still have a long ways to go but I’m on this journey now and it’s no turn around for me…

Battery drainer & bugs

A good platform to read other analysts’ articles on financial markets. Nevertheless, this app drains battery on my phone likes it a high performing video game. I’ve also encountered a lot of bugs. 3/5 stars

Not an Option

Seeking Alpha is my daily investment side kick. Life without good friends is less enjoyable. Investing with SA adds confidence to the basis for trade decisions

Excellent investment info app

I have been using the premium version for a couple of years - totally worth it - there is plenty of useful information and insightful market analysis covering all financial areas from macro events to detailed commodities markets and fixed income portfolios, besides equities and related.

Mobile app has poor scrolling behavior

The mobile app has a bug where it does not scroll up/down within an article easily. It freezes as you use your finger tip to browse an article. The primary use case for the website is to read articles and being able to scroll smoothly is importance.


Keeps me informed reducing time I need to research.


Information overload that is getting hard to control. Similar to Apple imo, this app is getting too complicated to use all the features. I waste a lot of time deciding on what material is pertinent to my goals and I have trouble figuring out how to control what I receive. The same reason I was delighted with Apple’s I’m ease of use La i launched was SA’s appeal also. Now I’m having trouble navigating Cct both.

Analysis on S A

Unbiased studies that are evidence based and superbly comprehensive. All the Wall Street pundits have pages of opinions. In my 50 years as an independent investment advisor studying all their research papers I discovered it’s really designed to attract eyeballs but sadly doesn’t deliver acceptable investment performance!!

Very slow site / app

I’m a paid subscriber of SA and love the content, but over the last few months I’ve experienced significant and consistent slowness in both the app and website. I constantly find myself refreshing the website or closing out the phone app because it’s frozen. Both my phone, computer, and website browser are completely updated. I’m hopeful the SA team can look into this issue and improve the speed and performance of the website and and app.

Can’t open app anymore

Latest update downloaded and it won’t even open now. Just renewed my subscription unfortunately but pretty unhappy about this.

money hungry

had this installed for a day. i was asked for money roughly 20 times in 24 hours. had to remove. too much nag for the two things i read. impossible to qualify as it was all nag. greedy

free version mostly useless

unless youre willing to subscribe, the app is basically useless. unable to read any articles or use nearly all of the tools.

Best Stocks Site

Logical reasoning always surprising helpful site. Etf stock recs often accurate. Great charts and fun articles. Good for beginners and more advanced traders and retirees. Use the site nearly every day for fun info opinions news.

My Seeking Alpha subscription has been my best investment.

The vast amount of information and analysis available from Seeking Alpha helps you better find opportunities that match your risk/return criteria. After just 90 days, I am already making more from my trades than from my day job. Thank you Seeking Alpha!!


Seeking Alpha was once my go-to source of stock information. I would have rated it 5 stars and used it daily for many years on desktop and mobile. Lately it has become unusable and would get zero stars if that was a choice.

Wonderful data and analyses service!

I decided to try this service about 6 months ago. I am an experienced investor and love to research stocks and ETFs. I’m always on the lookout for early discoveries of companies that have great management and growth potential. I’ve tried probably 6 or 7 other paid investment services. I’ve found far more investment opportunities and have made far more money with Seeking Alpha than with any other service. The return on my investment (fee) has been multiples of what this costs me. For anyone who loves to dig deep in pursuit of stock market success, I urge you to see just how comprehensive and good the research that’s available is with Seeking Alpha.

Interesting opinions

Probably some self serving but most interesting!,


Direct your future to this business of reporting It’s a must have ,Seeking Alpha.

Happy premium member and love BAD BEAT INVESTING

Premium gives me tools I need, data, valuation, analyst reports. I also highly recommend their investing service BAD BEAT INVESTING for those looking for high level research and conviction trades. Highly recommend.

This is a paid app only

There's nothing free anymore on this spammy app. All articles and features are completely paywalled and if you don't pay every tab is a full page splash spamming you to pay.

Portfolio linking is broken

I’m a new premium subscriber. I love the content and features, but a key one is broken: portfolio linking. After a month, with multiple emails and calls with support, they continue assuring me they’ll get back to me with updates on progress. No one ever has. It’s still broken. That feature is a big reason for choosing SA. I hope they can fix this. Most of all, it feels bad to be treated this way by support, who don’t follow through. Also, if you sign up, be sure to turn off the incredible flood of notifications enabled by default — think 30 emails a day.

Standardize “Clear” Function

The app has grown less buggy and more functional over the past couple of years, but still has one user interface issue that is onerous by current standards: clearing an article STILL involves a two step pop-up window, instead of a standard option to swipe left or right and accomplish the same action in one step. Way past time to update the app to offer this feature.

It was a great app.

I like the app a lot. All articles written by users used to be free. They changed it to 5 free articles per month and now just one free article per month. The app is basically useless now, unless you are willing to pay $20 per month.

Great financial information

I have been customer of Seeking Alpha @3 yrs. It’s good to see different opinions of contributors. I have made some decisions based on it. Fellow readers have interesting sometimes comical input.

Solid overall

The app is 90% good, but there are times when loading screens can take a while or I have to close the app altogether and try again from the beginning.

Not worth subscribing

I have had Seeking Alpha for awhile and have seen the “analysis” and comments related to stocks. Most comments are not based on analysis from investment firms and analysts but are opinion based from ordinary people. Seeking Alpha is focused on partisan comments that lack facts, are focused on MAGA rhetoric and refused to allow posts with factual information. If you are a serious investor and focused on commentary from knowledgeable people this is not the app for you. If you want an app that supports partisan comments that are derogatory in nature and uneducated opinions this is the app for you.

Cancel your service to get them to pay attention

The latest version of the app it’s terrible. Don’t you dare post on here that you’re thanking me for my feedback. Lock screens, white screens, make the app completely unusable. This is a premium service fix your app!!!

Super buggy recently

Somethings wrong with the portfolio and other views. Have to kill the app to reload and view. Also why no portfolio widget ? Yahoo finance offer this already.

Horrible update

If I could give negative stars I would. Fix this. Do better qa. I have deleted and reinstalled several times. Ugh.

Recent problems

For the last few days, the stock prices and Dow Jones averages have been delayed. I am also getting blank screens when I sign on to the site.


App is worthless. White blank screen. Developer is aware but doesn’t acknowledge the problem or fix it. Deleting & reinstalling does not solve problem.

Forced me

I was reading an article and was forced to install this trash to finish reading. I installed it and it doesn't work correctly and lags long lengths of time. Response: I’m in agreement with you, that the best way to handle the app is to uninstall it!!

Many Bugs in Latest Version

You guys have to get this fixed. Latest iPhone/iPad and latest iOS and iPadOS versions. The app freezes and gives white or black screen of death. I have to force close toe app and reopen it only for it to happen again after 10 minutes of use. Please don’t say to delete and reinstall the app, or logout and back in. It doesn’t work, and the bugs are easy to replicate. Simply use the app as your uses do and you’ll find the bugs. Surprised it’s been this bad lately.

Great content in a terrible app

My biggest gripe about this app is that almost every time I go to check the stock prices it just shows me a blank screen. I kill and reopen this app about 10 times a day. I deleted and reinstalled the app thinking that might resolve the issue but still seeing the same issues. There are other dumb things about this app such as the fact that the layout doesn’t quite fit on my screen. Seems like a minor adjustment of the columns would solve this. While I love the content available here, this app is atrocious.

Does not refresh when opened from backy

If the application is open, running in the background and I bring it to the foreground the window is blank snd does not refresh! I need to close the application and reopen it for it to have a populated screen something got totally screwed up in the last update!

Good research tool

Please fix your earnings transcripts randomly pausing during playbacks.

Glitchy and Pushy Ads

The past week, half the app doesn’t load and requires a hard restart to see anything. The only thing that displays without fail is the advertisement to get you to join premium which follows you on every screen. It’s good for tracking your portfolio but can no longer use it for analysis since everything is locked these days.

White screen of feath

This app is pretty buggy. I get a white screen of death when I hit search sometimes and it requires completely rebooting the app to avoid it. Please work on a fix for this. Very annoying!!

Home, Portfolio, and News will not show. Only white screen. Very frustrating!

Current version shows only white screen for Home, Portfolio, and News. Very frustrating! Reboot and program shows white screens again!

Great information but super glitchy

Love the information available on the app and organization, but the app is slow and needs to be restarted every time it is used or it will be very glitchy and possibly not work at all.

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